Baseball & The Moon

“The love of base ball is wide spread. A little six year old was sitting upon the steps, with a base ball in his hand, gazing intently at the moon. ‘Pa, is there only one man in the moon?’ asked he.

“’That’s the tradition my son; the man in the moon is the only inhabitant of that bright world we have ever heard of.’

“After a moment of pause he remarked with a sigh, ‘He must be lonesome, pa, with no one to play base ball with.’”

— The Marysville (Kansas) Enterprise, 1867

Photo: “Kids In June.” The Baseball Bloggess, 6/26/2021

Photo: Pixabay via


10 thoughts on “Baseball & The Moon

    • But, 1867 editor/husband would have been aok with “base ball” and “wide spread.” (Either that, or he would have taken his wife’s pencil away, saying “Why not just leave the writing to men?”) What 2021 editor/husband couldn’t help me figure out was how to get the curl of that single quote at the beginning of the second paragraph to curl in the correct direction.

  1. It’s a pity that when the man in the moon finally had visitors they didn’t leave him a base ball to toss by himself.

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